v3.8.1.1 [Jan 31, 2010]
- Fixed a bug where the program would lockup a program when launched on a 64-bit system.
- Fixed a problem backing up macro files with uppercase letters in the macro file extension.
- Fixed several bugs in the scheduled macros that could cause an 'Invalid Floating Point Operation' error.
- The 'If File Exists' command now supports wildcards.
- Fixed a bug in the 'Ping Site' command where it would not work properly on Windows 7.
- Fixed a problem where the 'Email Send' sent email attachments incorrectly.
v3.7.4.1 [Mar 1, 2008]
Updated for Windows Vista.
v3.11.1.1 [Mar 1, 2014]
1. Added support for Windows 8.1.
2. The Sound File command dialog in the Script Editor now displays a list of system sounds that can be used with this command.
3. Improved reliability of the Text Type command.
4. The 'If OS Version' command now shows a better description in the Script Editor.
5. Updated sample macros in samples.mex for new versions of Windows, to fix issues on different versions of Windows and to make some of them reliable.
6. Added a message to describe how to load the macro editor or close the program when the Completely Hide option is selected.
7. Added 'FTP Check connect before disconnect', 'FTP Quit after disconnect' and 'FTP Delay between Disconnect and Quit' advanced options.
8. Enhanced the CONFIGFILEPATH Advanced Installation option to allow the path to be surrounded by "s.
9. A filename without a path is now allowed in the CONFIGFILEPATH Advanced Installation option. If the path is left off the file is assumed to be in the folder where the installation program is running.
10. The Variable Evaluation Level option in the Advanced Options now only allows numeric keystrokes and only allows 2 numbers.
11. The Splash Screen is defaulted to off for Windows 8 and later.
12. Lower case letters entered into the license code will automatically be converted to upper case letters when appropriate.
13. Improved the message displayed when editing the 'Load Macro Text File' command.
14. The Category Font set in the preferences is now used under the icons on the Action Bar and in the category headers.
15. The /F command line parameter is now case insensitive.
16. The samples.mex macro file is now copied to the user's My Documents folder the first time Macro Express runs.
Bugs Fixed
17. The correct window now gets focus when the Pause command with the Keep Focus option unchecked is used on some versions of Windows.
18. The If Ping Successful command now works on later versions of Windows when Macro Express is not running as administrator.
19. The 'Terminate Macro Express' command does not close the editor.
20. Fixed a problem that could cause a problem with the LICENSENAME and LICENSECODE advanced installation options.
21. Fixed a problem that would occur with the 'Use Search Path' option of the 'If File Exists' command when the Windows Path environment variable exceeded 1000 characters.
22. Fixed a problem that could occur when two keys are pressed simultaneously in a Popup Menu macro.
23. Fixed a problem where the email contacts list in the preferences would cut off lower case letters with tails with non-standard DPI setting.
24. Fixed a problem where a disabled Complex Pause command sometimes gets displayed incorrectly.
25. Fixed an issue with the ISS Bug Reporter when it runs on a computer with non-standard DPI setting.
26. Fixed the display of the Control Panel dialog on computers running non-standard DPI settings.
27. The help key in the Ping Site command now brings up the correct help.
28. Pressing F1 on the Ping Site command in the Script Editor now brings up the correct help.
29. Pressing F1 on the Window Move and Size command in the Script Editor now brings up the correct help.
30. The total amount of memory installed on the computer is now reported correctly in the event of a crash.
31. Added logic to prevent a crash during FTP Connect when a Socket Error # 10054 occurs.